Removing Heavy Metal Contamination in Wastewater Using Clinoptilolite Zeolite
Research shows that natural zeolite can remove trace heavy metals from the wastewater of ink and pigment production, which can mitigate the toxic pollution into waterways.

Most inks and dyes used in the printing industry contain trace heavy metals. These elements, when released into the environment during manufacturing, pose severe health risks to humans and wildlife.

The heavy metals found in industrial printmaking dyes and pigments are extremely toxic. Even trace concentrations are known to cause DNA damage, cancer and other illnesses.

Current methods for combating this type of pollution have low-efficiency, and require multiple costly treatment techniques. Of the available methods, absorption has been recognized as the most effective. In this study by the Brazilian department of Chemical and Food Engineering it is demonstrated that clinoptilolite zeolite is a viable low-cost option for absorbing these toxins before they are exposed to the environment. 

In this research study clinoptilolite zeolite was successful in absorbing iron, chromium and copper. The total amount absorbed was 95.4% iron, 85.1% chromium and 96.0% copper, in this order of selectivity: Fe > Cr > Cu. The efficiency of clinoptilolite zeolite in treating these elements produced an effluent showing no toxic or genotoxic potential. 

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Methane Mitigation Technology Using Natural Zeolite
MIT researchers create a compound using natural zeolite and copper to break down methane gas.